17 research outputs found

    Tracking elusive cargo: Illuminating spatio-temporal type 3 effector protein dynamics using reporters

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    Type 3 secretion systems (T3SS) form an integral part of the arsenal of many pathogenic bacteria. These injection machines, together with their cargo of subversive effector proteins are capable of manipulating the cellular environment of the host in order to ensure persistence of the pathogen. In order to fully appreciate the functions of Type 3 effectors it is necessary to gain spatio-temporal knowledge of each effector during the process of infection. A number of genetic modifications have been exploited in order to reveal effector protein secretion, translocation and subsequent activity and localisation within host cells. In this review, we will discuss the many available approaches for tracking effector protein dynamics and discuss the challenges faced to improve the current technologies and gain a clearer picture of effector protein function

    Optimisation of growth conditions for ovine airway epithelial cell differentiation at an air-liquid interface

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    Respiratory tract infections are of significant concern in the agriculture industry. There is a requirement for the development of well-characterised in vitro epithelial cell culture models in order to dissect the diverse molecular interactions occurring at the host-pathogen interface in airway epithelia. We have analysed key factors that influence growth and differentiation of ovine tracheal epithelial cells in an air-liquid interface (ALI) culture system. Cellular differentiation was assessed at 21 days post-ALI, a time-point which we have previously shown to be sufficient for differentiation in standard growth conditions. We identified a dose-dependent response to epidermal growth factor (EGF) in terms of both epithelial thickening and ciliation levels. Maximal ciliation levels were observed with 25 ng ml-1 EGF. We identified a strict requirement for retinoic acid (RA) in epithelial differentiation as RA exclusion resulted in the formation of a stratified squamous epithelium, devoid of cilia. The pore-density of the growth substrate also had an influence on differentiation as high pore-density inserts yielded higher levels of ciliation and more uniform cell layers than low pore-density inserts. Differentiation was also improved by culturing the cells in an atmosphere of sub-ambient oxygen concentration. We compared two submerged growth media and observed differences in the rate of proliferation/expansion, barrier formation and also in terminal differentiation. Taken together, these results indicate important differences between the response of ovine tracheal epithelial cells and other previously described airway epithelial models, to a variety of environmental conditions. These data also indicate that the phenotype of ovine tracheal epithelial cells can be tailored in vitro by precise modulation of growth conditions, thereby yielding a customisable, potential infection model

    Temporal dynamics of ovine airway epithelial cell differentiation at an air-liquid interface

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    The respiratory tract and lungs are subject to diverse pathologies with wide-ranging implications for both human and animal welfare. The development and detailed characterization of cell culture models for studying such forms of disease is of critical importance. In recent years the use of air-liquid interface (ALI)-cultured airway epithelial cells has increased markedly, as this method of culture results in the formation of a highly representative, organotypic in vitro model system. In this study we have expanded on previous knowledge of differentiated ovine tracheal epithelial cells by analysing the progression of differentiation over an extensive time course at an ALI. We observed a pseudo-stratified epithelium with ciliation and a concurrent increase in cell layer thickness from 9 days post-ALI with ciliation approaching a maximum level at day 24. A similar pattern was observed with respect to mucus production with intensely stained PAS-positive cells appearing at day 12. Ultrastructural analysis by SEM confirmed the presence of both ciliated cells and mucus globules on the epithelial surface within this time-frame. Trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) peaked at 1049 Ω × cm2 as the cell layer became confluent, followed by a subsequent reduction as differentiation proceeded and stabilization at ~200 Ω × cm2. Importantly, little deterioration or de-differentiation was observed over the 45 day time-course indicating that the model is suitable for long-term experiments

    Differentiated ovine tracheal epithelial cells support the colonisation of pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of Mannheimia haemolytica

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    Mannheimia haemolytica is the primary bacterial species associated with respiratory disease of ruminants. A lack of cost-effective, reproducible models for the study of M. haemolytica pathogenesis has hampered efforts to better understand the molecular interactions governing disease progression. We employed a highly optimised ovine tracheal epithelial cell model to assess the colonisation of various pathogenic and non-pathogenic M. haemolytica isolates of bovine and ovine origin. Comparison of single representative pathogenic and non-pathogenic ovine isolates over ten time-points by enumeration of tissue-associated bacteria, histology, immunofluorescence microscopy and scanning electron microscopy revealed temporal differences in adhesion, proliferation, bacterial cell physiology and host cell responses. Comparison of eight isolates of bovine and ovine origin at three key time-points (2 h, 48 h and 72 h), revealed that colonisation was not strictly pathogen or serotype specific, with isolates of serotype A1, A2, A6 and A12 being capable of colonising the cell layer regardless of host species or disease status of the host. A trend towards increased proliferative capacity by pathogenic ovine isolates was observed. These results indicate that the host-specific nature of M. haemolytica infection may result at least partially from the colonisation-related processes of adhesion, invasion and proliferation at the epithelial interface

    Heterogeneity in populations of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli undergoing D-serine adaptation

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    Phenotypic and genetic heterogeneities are conserved features of prokaryotic populations. During periods of stress, this programmed diversity increases the likelihood that variants within the population will survive the adverse conditions, allowing for proliferation. Phenotypic heterogeneity can have a mutational or indeed a non-mutational basis as observed in bet-hedging strategies adopted by antibiotic-tolerant persister cells. Genetic variants can arise by phase variation (slip-strand mispairing, promoter inversions etc.), nucleotide polymorphisms resulting from replication errors or larger rearrangements such as deletions and insertions. In the face of selective pressures, these alterations may be neutral, beneficial or deleterious. We recently described the genetic basis of tolerance to a normally toxic metabolite, D-serine (D-ser) in enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). Here we summarize our work in the context of population dynamics, provide further discussion on the distinction between these tolerance mechanisms and the importance of heterogeneity for maximising adaptive potential

    Plastic circuits: regulatory flexibility in fine tuning pathogen success

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    Bacterial pathogens employ diverse fitness and virulence mechanisms to gain an advantage in competitive niches. These lifestyle-specific traits require integration into the regulatory network of the cell and are often controlled by pre-existing transcription factors. In this review, we highlight recent advances that have been made in characterizing this regulatory flexibility in prominent members of the Enterobacteriaceae. We focus on the direct global interactions between transcription factors and their target genes in pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella revealed using chromatin immunoprecipitation coupled with next-generation sequencing. Furthermore, the implications and advantages of such regulatory adaptations in benefiting distinct pathogenic lifestyles are discussed

    Genomic plasticity of pathogenic Escherichia coli mediates D-serine tolerance via multiple adaptive mechanisms

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    Significance Pathogens ensure infection of favored sites in the body by responding to chemical signals. One chemical abundant in urine, the amino acid d -Ser, is toxic to EHEC and reduces expression of the machinery used for host cell attachment, making the bladder an unfavorable environment. We observed that under d -Ser stress, EHEC acquires genetic changes that lead to blocking d -Ser uptake into the cell or activating a silent enzyme for degrading d -Ser. This prevents growth inhibition and, critically, inhibits the repression of attachment machinery normally caused by d -Ser. These findings highlight the importance of pathogen evolution in determining how host molecules regulate colonization. These interactions underpin a process known as niche restriction that is important for pathogen success within the host

    Prokaryotic life finds a way: insights from evolutionary experimentation in bacteria

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    While evolution proceeds through the generation of random variant alleles, the application of selective pressures can select for subsets of mutations that confer fitness-improving physiological benefits. This, in essence, defines the process of adaptive evolution. The rapid replication rate of bacteria has allowed for the design of experiments to study these processes over a reasonable timeframe within a laboratory setting. This has been greatly assisted by advances in tractability of diverse microorganisms, next generation sequencing technologies and bioinformatic analysis pipelines. Examining the processes by which organisms adapt their genetic code to cope with sub-optimal growth conditions has yielded a wealth of molecular insight into diverse biological processes. Here we discuss how the study of adaptive evolutionary trajectories in bacteria has allowed for improved understanding of stress responses, revealed important insight into microbial physiology, allowed for the production of highly optimised strains for use in biotechnology and increased our knowledge of the role of genomic plasticity in chronic infections

    Characterisation of the mode of action of Aurodox, a Type III secretion system inhibitor from Streptomyces goldiniensis

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    Recent work has demonstrated that the polyketide natural product Aurodox, from Streptomyces goldiniensis is able to block the pathogenesis of the murine pathogen Citrobacter rodentium. In this work we aimed to aimed gain a better understanding of the mechanism of action of the compound. We show that Aurodox downregulates the expression of the Type Three Secretion Systems of enteropathogenic and enterohaemorhagic Escherichia coli. Furthermore, we have used transcriptomic analysis to show that Aurodox inhibits the expression at the transcriptional level by repressing the master regulator, ler. Our data support a model in which Aurodox acts upstream of ler and not directly on the secretion system itself. Finally, we have shown that Aurodox, unlike some traditional antibiotics, does not induce expression of RecA, which is essential for the production of Shiga toxin. We propose that these properties nominate Aurodox as a promising anti-virulence therapy for the treatment of these infections

    Enhancing a multi-purpose artificial urine for culture and gene expression studies of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains

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    Aims: The main objective of this study was to modify a recently reported multi-purpose artificial urine (MP-AU) for culture and gene expression studies of uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strains. Methods and results: We used liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) to identify and adjust the metabolic profile of MP-AU closer to that of pooled human urine (PHU). Modification in this way facilitated growth of UPEC strains with growth rates similar to those obtained in PHU. Transcriptomic analysis of UPEC strains cultured in enhanced artificial urine (enhanced AU) and PHU showed that the gene expression profiles are similar, with less than 7% of genes differentially expressed between the two conditions. Conclusions: Enhancing an MP-AU with metabolites identified in PHU allows the enhanced AU to be used as a substitute for the culture and in vitro gene expression studies of UPEC strains